Bringing Tender Loving Care Into Your Home

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Bringing Tender Loving Care Into Your Home
Contact Us: 01253 722945

Abi Grime

Abi Grime

Lead Mentor

Abi Grime – Lead Mentor

Abi started her early career in Accountancy before joining the Social Care sector. She has enjoyed various roles supporting clients within the areas of mental health, learning disabilities, autism, dementia and older adults. She began her career as a student, progressing into a care role followed by a range of management positions.

She has a first class BA Honours degree in Health and Social Care, certificates including Mental Health and Dementia, Level 5 Chartered Management Institute Certificates in Management, Coaching and Mentoring and she is currently studying her Master’s degree in Psychology with Mental Health and Wellbeing.

Abi is passionate about helping others and has a wealth of experience which is reflected throughout her career. She believes we all have a lot to learn and can develop more by working and learning together. She loves spending time with her family and her dog Willow. She is also a representative for The Body Shop at Home and Romans Home Fragrance.