Bringing Tender Loving Care Into Your Home

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Bringing Tender Loving Care Into Your Home
Contact Us: 01253 722945

Derek Simpson

Derek Simpson

Quality Assurance Manager

Derek Simpson – Quality Assurance Manager

Derek has worked in the care sector for over 30 years in many different settings, working with people with mental illness to working with older adults within their own homes.  He has delivered care services both in a hands on setting as a practitioner alongside managing and establishing services and was also a founding Director of a Community Interest Company. He believes very passionately that people’s care needs to be person centred.

Derek has a degree in social work and also a Registered Managers award plus many other courses that he’s collected over 30 years but he loves the fact that he learns something new every day.

Derek is a father of four and a grandfather to two small children that he loves to spoil. He spends his time with all his family and his little Westie Beau who is probably the most demanding of them all!