Bringing Tender Loving Care Into Your Home

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Bringing Tender Loving Care Into Your Home
Contact Us: 01253 722945

Ezra Johnson

Ezra Johnson

Senior Domiciliary Care Assistant

Ezra Johnson – Senior Domiciliary Care Assistant

Ezra is originally from South Birmingham and has been living in the Fylde Coast area since 2021.

Having gained 11 years of social care experience in both domiciliary and residential settings prior to joining us, Ezra came to Clifton Homecare with plenty of relevant experience and knowledge. This expertise has shone through during his 18 months with us as he settled in quickly and has become a well-respected member of the team. This was recognised earlier in August 2023, when Ezra was promoted to Senior Domiciliary Care Assistant which was very well deserved. Ezra has been upskilling for some time, continuing to build his knowledge base and is currently studying for his Level 3 Diploma in Adult Social Care.

In his spare time, Ezra enjoys spending time in the countryside and often goes on long walks where he loves to explore and seek out new places. He has a passion for hill walking and has climbed all 3 of the highest peaks in England (Scafell Pike), Scotland (Ben Nevis) and Wales (Snowdon). He would love to complete the “National Three Peaks Challenge” which would see him climb all 3 peaks (a total walking distance of 37km and total ascent of 10,052 ft) within 24 hours! We are watching this space Ezra!